
‘An Indian Muslim man with Asperger’s syndrome takes a challenge to speak to the President seriously, and embarks on a cross-country journey.’
Source: IMDB {Internet Movie Data Base}

The film opens with Rizvan Khan (a Muslim boy with Asperger’s Syndrome). He was born and spent most of his time in India with his mother and younger brother, Zakir. His difficulty with interaction and his special abilities, such as his high IQ, are presented. Time passes through and then Khan is shown now an adult, who after his mother’s passing leaves for the USA, to go live under the wing of his brother as a door to door salesman for a herbal product. This is how he meets his wife, Mandira and her son, Sameer.

All is happy and serine until the twin towers are hit, sending the whole world into peril. The effects of this event are shown, displaying the treatment Muslim’s now receive from the general public. One of these events was the bashing of Sameer, who due to racial slur, was brutally bashed to death on the soccer field. This tragic event is what drives Mandira into hate, as she blames her last name, for the death of her son.

At a time when she was most fragile she lashed out at Khan, telling him to leave and not to come back until he has told the president. ‘My name is Khan, and I’m not a terrorist.’ Khan, having Asperger’s syndrome, couldn’t pick up that Mandira wasn’t being entirely serious with her request. And therefore, set out on a quest to regain what he has lost.

Khan literally goes on a journey across the US to find the president and deliver his message. Along the way there is many different things he encounters, one of them being sinister plans by another Muslim man, Faisal Rahmen. Through remembering what his mother taught him as a child about good and bad people, he calls the bad man a liar in front of his pupils and later notifies the FBI of his plans.

Later, when he is standing in a crowd, trying to see the president, he keeps yelling his message. But because the crowd is so large and noisy, the only word people hear is ‘…terroist’. For this he is arrested and thrown into jail, going through torture that wasn’t needed to be used. It takes a few days before his innocence is proven, and he is released.

Through is journey he had earlier met a caring lady and her son. And when he hears of the hurricane that hit Georgia, he goes back to that town, in hopes of aiding them. During his time in helping rebuild the town, word spreads of his deeds and this attacks a fair amount of media attention and other people and Muslim’s coming to help.
During this time Mandira finally gets closure when Sameer’s friend comes forward, admitting the crime that had taken place. She reports them and then heads off to Georgia, to reunite with her love, Khan. When she gets to Geogia she witnesses Khan being stabbed by one of the followers of Faisal Rahman and he is taken to hospital, luckily surviving.

During this time the president hears of the amazing story, and has the chance to meet him at a public event. There, Khan is given the ability to deliver his message, telling the president. ‘My name is Khan, and I am not a terrorist.’

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